About Us


All former students of Sevenoaks School are entitled to be members of the Old Sennockians. Our aim is to provide you with many ways to stay in contact with each other, your teachers, and the school.

“After you leave Sevenoaks School, a new and exciting chapter begins. One in which friendship and connections continue through your membership of the Old Sennockians, a vibrant, global alumni community whose common bond is Sevenoaks.”

Jesse Elzinga - Headmaster

The Old Sennockians offers enjoyable social occasions, access to professional networking, opportunities to contribute to the school’s academic, careers and co-curricular programmes, and to champion Sevenoaks School’s reputation around the world. Many OS are also involved with, and support, the school’s advancement.

We hope you will enjoy and make the most of your unique, life-long connection to Sevenoaks School, wherever you are in the world.

“As a scientist I have always been fascinated by the concept of a time machine. Today got me as close as I am ever likely to experience as I was effortlessly transported back over half a century to revisit a place and some of the people from my past - hugely enjoyable.”

Nick Manton - OS 1970

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